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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Cheap quick dinner.

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/3/2014 8:08 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>> I keep them for hurricanes. I use them up in fast meals but then Im
>>>> a southerner so canned goods do not offend me. You need to know the
>>>> right recipes for them.
>>> I need to work on eating up the canned stuff now. Some of it is
>>> getting towards being old. Then I can restock for next winter. Bad
>>> thing is that now we are seeing lower than ever prices on canned
>>> veggies at Winco but we don't need any more now.

>> So get your winter stock now if you need to. Unless you lack storage
>> space, no reason to not use the sales. Just use up the older stuff
>> first before you get the newer cans (IE put the new ones at the back).

> FIFO - First In, First Out. It does require shuffling things around in
> your cabinets/pantry. It's really a no-brainer.

If you have cabinets and a pantry, which I do not. I do have one small
lower cabinet Lazy Susan in the house for canned goods. I try not to keep
much on it because the stuff is constantly bailing over the sides. I don't
even have one of everything there. Just easier to get it out of the garage.
It is getting fairly empty now and I like that better. I can see what all
is there and I don't have to go digging through it all. It will hold 3 cans
deep of certain sizes and two cans high but it is designed so that there is
no really good way to organize things. Perhaps as I clear it out more, I
will just use it for soon to expire things and that will free up some more
room next to the stove.
>> Keep in mind that the dates on most food are a sales tactic so it's
>> more a 'best use by' date and cans are notoriously bad at trying to get
>> you to buy more.

> Even that 'best use by' date is a random date. Food doesn't doesn't
> magically go bad on that date.
>> I have a box of rock salt. It also came with a date. Supposedly this
>> 4,000 or more year old salt expires in a year because it was put in a
>> box. Yeah, right.

> Don't forget, she takes those dates very seriously.

Not really but... As I have said... I can see textural differences with
things like tomatoes. You can choose to eat old food if you want to. I
choose not to. I am big into food texture. I also don't like rust on cans.
Which is what I got on the can of potatoes.