"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/4/2014 11:11 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 7/3/2014 11:46 PM, Sky wrote:
>>>> More than likely - "it" will claim to be allergic to spoons for
>>>> whatever
>>>> reasons! Regardless, "it" will provide all too many excuses why "it"
>>>> cannot, and will not!, make use of any suggestions its provided here
>>>> (usenet) to answer its questions. It's too fun to provide the troll
>>>> its
>>>> fodder just to see/read its idiotic excuses.
>>>> Sky
>>> You completely ignored the fact that it was *sf* who said she couldn't
>>> find a link, not Julie. Nor was Julie the one asking about the
>>> preparation method. Sheesh.
>> She never mentioned Julie you know, you just assumed she was.
> In this instance I *know* I was correct. It was quite obvious because of
> what she said. That, and the fact she keeps referring to Julie as "it".
Oh yes, I know that. I was just making the point that she is so obvious.
>> She gets
>> so excited when she thinks she can tear someone down she can't even read
>> properly.
> Obviously she can't resist finding some way to bash Julie even though
> Julie is the one who said the dish sounds simple enough to make. Sky
> jumped on Steve's keywords "spoon fed". She's the one who made the
> assumption.