Birth Control. Good Theology.
"Pete C." > wrote in
>> > I spent two weeks in Egypt, including Cairo. Yes, the US
>> > has a Cairo-esque slum in Michigan, however relative to the
>> > size and population of the US it is incredibly tiny, unlike
>> > the ones you have festering in the UK.
>> Ok, now don't get me wrong, but you sound like a complete
>> racist ****. Maybe you don't realize that. Just thought I'd
>> give you a heads up.
> There is nothing racist about pointing out that there are
> third world slums appearing in the UK. That is a comment on
> culture and behavior, not race. Indeed some of the third world
> slums in other parts of europe are pretty white, yet they are
> still third world slums that have been allowed to form in what
> should be first world countries.
The very use of the term "first world countries" is pretty damned
imperialistic, as in "we are superior and we are there to
civilize them". If you don't know what that means in terms of
experiences for the locals, read up on the Sepoy rebellion and
the French rection to insurgency in Indochina (1946-1954) and
later in Algeria.
> It's pretty pathetic how those on the left have taken to
> calling anyone who is not an apologist for bad and criminal
> behavior racist. They seem to have no concept of what racism
> actually means.
So, oh wise (ahem) one, what is the meaning of racism, other than
treating others differently (and more often than not with disdain
such as you have expressed towards...let me find that again...
"dregs of the third world you let in breed like cockroaches")
than one treats one's own members?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that when you say
"dregs of the third world" you are not referring to white people.
Socialism never took root in America because the
poor there see themselves not as an exploited
proletariat but as temporarily embarassed
millionaires. - John Steinbeck