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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Going to make some patties tomorrow

"Jeßus" > wrote in message
> My favourite thing to do with either Roo or Wallaby is to make
> patties. If I don't say anything, most people think it's beef...
> I shot a wallaby in the wee hours of this morning and will leave it to
> hang until late tomorrow - then mince the hind legs up and make the
> patties. Winnie the dog can have the rest.
> This is a pretty good basic recipe:
> although I see no point in adding beef mince. I have some fatty mutton
> in the freezer and will add either that or bacon... most likely the
> mutton, I reckon.
> Sometimes I like to use cauliflower in the pattie mix instead - I'd
> like to know what ingredients you use in your patties, if you make
> them? I'm especially interested in finding other fruit or veggies to
> add, instead of using apple or cauliflower.
> Dinner tonight is simmering away on the fi slow cooked leg of lamb,
> with garlic, onions, carrots and peas, some fresh thyme and rosemary,
> and stock made from my leftover lamb shanks from a couple of weeks
> ago. Will make a big pot of mashed potato too. I just realised I
> forgot the bay leaf... I'd better go and get one now

Lucky you We can buy kangeroo steaks here in the wholesalers, but it's
not quite the same as shooting your own)
