Going to make some patties tomorrow
On Sunday, July 6, 2014 7:34:52 AM UTC-7, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Jul 2014 08:17:53 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> > It's closer to ship it to the Phillipines than it is to Scotland
> Distance means nothing, if you've been paying any attention to the
> talk of how "far" Yorkshire and Scotland is from London. +I have yet
> to hear a Filipino mention eating kangaroo back in the PI.
I checked on Yahoo Philippines, because I was curious.
I could not find kangaroo for sale. There is a foodcart franchise evocatively
called "Burgeroo' whose decorations include kangaroo caricatures. But this
might be just like the chain, "Kangaroo Jack's," which serves beef and
pork products, and no kangaroo at all.
In terms of American availability:
One segment of one episode of This American Life covers Ira Glass's
pit bull. The pit bull is allergic to virtually everything, so Ira
crosses NYC to fetch kangaroo meat for the dog to eat.