Thread: Dinner 7/6/2014
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Dinner 7/6/2014

Proudly, for me, I had another low carb dinner that I guess would be
considered paleo.

2 grilled hamburgers, no buns, and topped with grilled Vidalia onions.
The onion was sliced and wrapped whole in heavy duty foil so it was no
muss no fuss, which was a good thing because my boss called me to help
troubleshoot some web sites that went offline. I had to leave my onion
out there but I'd already taken the burgers off the grill, thank
goodness, and they were tented under foil to keep warm.

By the time I was finished working, the onion was soft and caramelized
nicely and made a perfect topper for my burgers, made with 90/10 ground
beef. I've never bought it that lean before and it has a much different
taste. But grilling over high heat kept them from drying out.
