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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

On 7/6/2014 9:47 PM, Nellie wrote:
> On Sunday, July 6, 2014 11:32:57 PM UTC-7, dsi1 wrote:
>> On 7/6/2014 6:29 PM, Nellie wrote:


>>> While it may not be a personality defect in a child, it is an inability to make the best of a bad situation or alter their situation that causes difficulty for the child.


>>> The brighter the child, the better able he/she is able to do that. The others blame everyone/thing else, the other kids are dumb, the teacher is stupid/incompetent, and of course, the very popular," I am so smart and know everything so I am so bored and that is why I am not getting good grades"



>>> Nellie


>> You're talking about kids here. The reality is that they have very
>> little say in their education. Somebody has to stand up for them and
>> that's what I did for my son. I removed him from that stressful
>> environment and allowed him to follow his interests.
>> These days, he's going to college and should graduate next year. He then
>> plans to enter law school. Currently, he's taking honors classes and is
>> now in an accelerated French class. He wants to finish two years of
>> language in a summer. That might have been a tactical error because he
>> received 6 credits of a B grade and needs to ace the second part of the
>> class to stay in the honors program.
>> Our family went through hell to get my oldest son to fit in with the
>> educational system but in the end, he dropped out and never went back to
>> school again. I was not about to repeat history with my second son and I
>> wonder what would have happened had I not allowed the oldest to be put
>> through the educational wringer.
>> As far as these personality shortcomings you guys so fervently want to
>> see in my kids, there are none. My question to you is what the heck kind
>> of personality defects do you have to hope for such a thing?

> I didn't say personality defect, in fact I said it was not. Even with that misunderstanding cleared up, where did you get that I (or we) hoped for it? I have worked with kids for many years and I would never wish or hope for any suffering for them.
> Personality shortcomings that 'we' want to see in your kids? Are you talking to more than one person here?
> I should have been more clear in my comment. I was speaking of academics and not about stress or any emotional issues. Go back and read the most common excuses that I listed in my last post, they are all regarding schoolwork and not personality defects.
> We pulled our son out of a stressful situation once because he was not able to. The thing is, he told us about it and your son told you about it and that is exactly what I mean about being able to alter their situation. Changing classes, schools, GEDing out, taking classes at Community College, these are all bonafide ways of changing your circumstances.
> I am glad your son is doing well.
> Nellie

I reread your post with your points in mind - thanks for the
clarification. I hope your son is doing well.