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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> says...
>> On 2014-07-06 6:03 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>> >>> You're being too realistic. I notice that home schooled kids
>> >>> generally lack social skills because they have never had to mess in
>> >>> with others and leave mommy's side. All part of this helicopter
>> >>> parenting.
>> >>>
>> >> I understand that most home-schooling is done by religious nutters.
>> >> But
>> >> then it's more brainwashing than education.
>> >> Graham
>> >
>> > You're a ****ing idiot.
>> >

>> Nope. He is very accurate. It is the main reason that a lot of people
>> homeschool. If it is not the primary reason for homeschooling it is one
>> of the supporting arguments.

> Such a sweeping statement! There's plenty of homeschooling in the UK,
> but none of the many homeschoolers I've ever met, chose it for
> religious reasons.
> What about Australia, where thousands of childrn in remote areas are
> educated at home by the School of the Air?
> the-air
> Janet UK

When I first heard of home schooling here, we were living in NY. And the
only people we knew there who home schooled did do it for religious reasons.
They didn't want their kids to associate with other kids outside of their
faith. The one family was very nice although...not sure how to put it...not
exactly normal or mainstream in many ways. For instance, they did allow
their girls to play with Barbie dolls but they were never allowed to wear
any sort of costumes or go Trick Or Treating much less eat candy or any kind
of sweets.

As a result of this, I once found the youngest girl stuffing her face with
some jelly beans that I had left outside. They didn't even belong to me. I
was babysitting a neighbor boy whose mother had died. He had taken the
death very hard and had quit eating. He had lost so much weight that the Dr.
told his grandma to let him eat whatever he would just to get some weight
back on. At that point, the jelly beans and iceberg lettuce were all that
he would eat but not long after he did start eating a few other things.

Anyway... Those kids were also punished quite severely. The same girl had
gotten permission to play at our house and the same boy that I mentioned
above was there. The boy had asked me to clean his glasses for him and
while I was in the kitchen, some silly fight broke out. Neither the boy nor
my daughter had a clue what it was about. They just said that the girl
flipped over the game board and they could no longer play the game.

We all went down to the girl's apartment and inside we could hear the mother
just screaming at her and it sounded like the girl was being hit. We'll
never know what really happened. The mother did let us into her apartment a
few times but most of our contact with her was outside.

The other home schooled family lived across the street from them. Those
kids were always out running loose all day long, no matter the weather.
They often came to me and made comments about our food but said that they
were not allowed to eat it, even though they were hungry. They had very few
toys. I never met their mother but the other home schooling mother told me
that their mother was quite ill and that their dad was away. She said she
did feed them from time to time. But they were not allowed to play with
anyone else but her kids due to the religion thing. They were not the same
religion either. The really strict family went to church every night for a
couple of hours and on Wednesdays stayed there late into the night. I
always wondered when those kids were actually learning something because it
really seemed they were not.