Thread: OT Fireworks
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT Fireworks

On 2014-07-07 10:03 AM, jmcquown wrote:

>> I was a royal watcher only when Princess Diana married Prince Charles.
>> It was a fairy tail to those of us around her age. She had found her
>> prince. I can't think of many girls around my age at the time who
>> didn't want to be her. I also think it was one of the rare times we saw
>> all of that on the TV.

> That's true. The wedding of Charles and Diana was a big deal on
> American television. So was her funeral. But frankly, I don't care
> what Charles - or the future prince(s) are up to. I didn't care about
> whatshername's baby, either.

And I don't give a fig about the Kardashians. I don't even know why
anyone cares about a bunch of people who, like Paris Hilton, are famous
only for being famous. The thing is.... The American press devotes a
lot of time and energy in reporting in the adventures and misadventures
of the British royals. Most Canadians don't care one way or another, and
there is a movement in Australia to abolish the monarchy and become a
republic. They had a referendum and it was close, but that is because
there are positice attitudes toward Queen Elizabeth. Once she dies or
abdicates, I think we will be seeing Australia kiss the royal butt goodbye.