Thread: Grated parmesan
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Grated parmesan

On 2014-07-07 10:58 AM, Gary wrote:

> I quit buying it. Once, I tried the pre-shredded and it was
> tasteless. Then I tried some of the expensive wedges of it in the
> gourmet section of the grocery store. Even those, I need to shred most
> of the wedge to get my taste on pasta.

I buy it once every month or two. It is just too good, and there are
real substitutes, though Romano or Pecorino can sometimes be used in a
pinch or to supplement the Parmensaon.

> Yesterday, I saw a wedge of Parmigiano-Reggiano. That stuff might be
> the strong taste I'm after but I'm not paying $23 a pound for it. Get
> real.

We pick up chunks of it for $8-10 and they usually last a month or two.
A little goes a long way. My wife usually grates a little on salads.

> Well I like it. It's cheap, it's strong tasting, and it *IS* real
> cheese so I don't understand why so many turn their noses up to using
> it.

Suit yourself. There is no point in spending more money if you don't
appreciate the difference. I tried a locally made Parmesan style cheese
a few years back. It was less than half the price. It was no bargain.