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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default 1940's Experiement

"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> says...
>> On 7/7/2014 8:26 PM, Janet wrote:
>> > In article >,

>> > says...
>> >>
>> >> On 7/7/2014 7:49 PM, Cheryl wrote:
>> >>> On 7/7/2014 7:23 PM, Tara wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> rations-diet
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> "There is a website, called The 1940s Experiment, whose proprietor,
>> >>>> Carolyn Ekins, who was born and raised in the UK but now lives in
>> >>>> Canada,
>> >>>> is attempting to lose a hundred pounds by following a wartime
>> >>>> rations
>> >>>> diet, specifically made up of the foods eaten by the British public
>> >>>> during World War II. "
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Tara
>> >>>>
>> >>> Interesting. I hope she has access to the veggies and fruit that
>> >>> those
>> >>> who were forced into the rationing had access to, otherwise she is
>> >>> going
>> >>> to get very sick from malnutrition.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> Diet via wartime rationing/deprivation. What a strange concept.
>> >
>> > Not at all, the UK wartime weekly food rations per person, had been
>> > carefully designed to provide a balanced diet with adequate nutrition.
>> > As a result ofeating that way, by the end of the war the civilian
>> > population were healthier than they had been before it. Obesity was
>> > virtually unknown.
>> >
>> >
>> > 1057240.shtml
>> >
>> > Janet UK
>> >

>> Except... this person IS apparently obese. Why else would she want to
>> lose 100 pounds?! >
>> The entire "diet" idea is just as ridiculous as ordering frozen food
>> from Nutrisystem and using those fill-you-up diet "shakes".

> See the link I posted earlier; she ate according to UK wartime food
> rations .. which IS "eating in moderation".. and lost 80 lbs in a year.
> Good for her; there's nothing ridiculous about the commitment OR
> achievement and the huge improvement she feels in her health and
> fitness.
> Unlike shakes and readymade diet meals , shopping cooking and eating
> that balanced varied moderate diet re-educates the palate, shopping and
> food prep habits, so she's far more likely to be able to continue
> those habits and keep losing more.
> Janet UK

That makes no sense. It would no more re-educate the palate than drinking
shakes or bars or eating prepared food would. You either like that stuff or
you don't.

The shakes appeal to some people but they would never appeal to me because I
just don't like shakes!

I did try the bars. I can't remember what one kind was called. But you
were supposed to "enjoy" them for breakfast and lunch then have a sensible
dinner. I toughed this out for 10 days then snapped. My dinner was always
a salad with beans and cheese in it. All sorts of veggies. Never any
dressing but lemon juice. I hated the bars because they were those light,
crispy sort of Styrofoamy/waffley things and I hate that texture. Plus they
were too sweet. And at the end of the 10 days? I had gained 10 pounds.
The pounds dropped right off once I went back to eating real food again.

A few years later I tried the Slim Fast meal replacement bars. The type I
was eating are no longer being made. I did not use them as a meal
replacement. I devised the diet on my own. It was 1,000 calories per day.
I was exercising like a fiend and was always exhausted and hungry. I kept a
bar in my smock pocket at work or in my purse and broke off tiny bites
throughout the day to try to stave off the hunger. I probably ate about 75%
of a bar over the course of the day. I ate them more often when I was at
work because I had no other options when I was hungry. I didn't like them
so well but they also were not objectionable to me as the other bars had

Although I did manage to lose the weight, it just wasn't doable in the long
haul. Because in order to keep the weight off, I had to keep eating and
exercising like that. And I got tired of feeling like crap all the time.
IMO it doesn't do any good to look good if you don't feel good!

However... At the same time, two of my friends also went on diets. One did
Nutrasystem and the other did Jenny Craig. Both of them do cook so being
unable to cook or not wanting to cook was not an issue for them. One does
hate vegetables though and is normally a big meat eater. Neither one really
liked the diet food and got burned out on it by the time they had lost the

They both quit the diets and gained the weight back rapidly. I kept my
weight off for about 2 years. I did like the food I was eating. There just
was never enough of it to make me feel satisfied and I hated the constant