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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default 1940's Experiement

On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 10:12:41 -0500, Moe DeLoughan >

>On 7/8/2014 4:10 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/7/2014 11:20 PM, wrote:
>>> On Monday, July 7, 2014 10:03:17 PM UTC-5, Terrence Crimmins wrote:
>>>> The best way to lose weight is to become young again, when you
>>>> would eat like a pig and not gain a pound. It's tough to do, though.
>>> Being young has absolutely nothing to do with ones size. I see
>>> PLENTY of young people, all under the age of 20, terribly, terribly
>>> obese. Even though your comment was meant to be taken with a grain
>>> of salt, it's simply not true.

>> It's not a simple issue. But I see more overweight young people
>> (teens and 20-somethings) than I used to. I guess they're eating a
>> lot of junk. That's why there are all these diet fads and alleged
>> miracle pills.

>Well, what would anyone expect from a feedlot diet? We feed cattle and
>pigs lots of corn to fatten them up. We've moved to a corn-based diet
>for ourselves, too.
>Plus: plastics. Chemicals found in plastics mimic human hormones.
>They've found links between chemical ingestion and obesity. Worse of
>all, the diet advice we've been given over the past half-century or so
>has been hideously, dangerously, wrong. We decided red meat was bad
>and encouraged people to eat more grains - but protein is the most
>satiating food, and grains are fattening agents. We replaced animal
>fats with hydrogenated fats, which are far unhealthier than animal
>fats. We marketed 'fat-free' foods whose fat content was replaced by
>sugars. But eating fat satisfies one's sense of hunger, where eating
>sugar exacerbates it. We switched to low-fat milk, getting rid of the
>good fat that makes you feel full, but leaving in all the milk sugar
>that's bad for you. We advised people to eat many small meals a day in
>order to stave off hunger pangs, but constant eating keeps your liver
>busy producing enzymes digesting the food you just ate, not leaving it
>any time to produce enzymes to break down stored body fat.
>Overeating is part of it, but it's not all of it. If it were, it would
>be simple to lose weight and simpler yet to keep it off.

Searching for all sorts of oddball excuses is not the answer... the
one element missing from your formula is activity/exercise. Young
people are obese due to inactivity, nowadays all they exercise are
their fingers... there's no way anyone can maintain a healthful weight
while consuming calories at a keyboard... and these days older people
think retirement means staying inert. Dieting can't work with
inactivity. And a healthful weight is a ratio of flesh to muscle
tone... lots of folks go only by what the scale says, but they are
still overweight when they haven't any muscle tone... their weight may
match those idiotic charts but they are still a blob of blubber... if
what one does most days is sit on their sofa reading a book and
sucking up wine, even if their weight is in accord with those idiotic
charts they are still a blob of blubber.

For some going to a gym works but for me structured exercise bores me
to tears, but I can work at outdoor chores all day and most days I do.
And I enjoy food and I eat whatever I want and as much as I want and
still my weight hasn't varied much since high school... I weigh about
20 pounds more but I'm also more muscular now, I'm a hair under 6' and
I weigh 185 pounds. Today I spent five hours working in my garden,
mostly weeding and tilling a new planting bed for my chard seedlings.
when I came in I could literally wring out my clothes... I showered
and all I wanted was that watermelon I had in the fridge, one of those
basketball sized seedless ones, I ate half and was satisfied. I
already have dinner started, a potato and red pepper omelet. Living
here I'm never at a loss for chores, just not enough hours in the day.
Tomorrow being Wednesday, weather permitting it's mowing day... mowing
ten acres of lawn is a full days labor. And I always have brush to
clear, George W has nothing on me. Hacking at brush is a wonderful
stress reliever... after spending a day in a hedgerow with a pole saw
and loppers all I want for dinner is a huge salad, and at night I
sleep like a baby kitten. It's not how many calories one consumes,
it's what kind of calories and how many calories one expends. Most
all my coworkers retired to a condo, mostly all they did is look out a
window, they are all deseased, all enjoyed less then two years of
retirement. I retired 11 years ago, I'm 71 and I feel fine... I could
die in my sleep tonight (I'm sure many here would rejoice) but I could
also live many more years while annoying yoose pinheads.