Watermelon : ) : ) : )
On 7/8/2014 5:12 PM, Nellie wrote:
> Is there any happier food that watermelon? Just looking at one makes me smile.
> We always have one that we are working on : ) and one back up just chilling in the back of the fridge waiting its turn.
> Sometimes I just slice it, more often I cube it. We eat it plain, except my 15 year old niece introduced me to the combination of feta cheese on watermelon, but that is about as far as we venture from plain ol' plain ol'
> So, what do you all do with it? Do you think there is a difference in taste, texture, sweetness between the seedless and seeded?
> Nellie
Seeded, of course, if I can find one. The seedless don't have the taste
and texture of a good seeded melon. Most are picked before ripening too.