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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Question: baked chicken breasts (skinless, boneless)

bigwheel wrote:

> Ok..well if aint kilt you should be ok. My Daddy said back
> during WW II in Merry Olde Englan they would hang a chunk of some type
> of quartered up mammal critter from the ceiling in the living room with
> a rope and leave it a long time. They would not touch it till it got
> "high"...that is what the men ate. The wimmen and little chillins ate
> crackers. Now you aint one of them bloomin limeys now are ya?

Nah, I prefer my meat in the fridge, not hanging on a rope at room temperature. But I can see it as a good poor-man's way of curing meat. I suppose in a way it cooks as it hangs there. But you've got to let it go a while. When the kids get hungry and cry, "Daddy, Daddy, can we have some meat soon?", Daddy responds, "Gonna have to wait a bit, it's not dead enough yet." Too much life in dead meat is trouble. Gotta give it some time. As for me though, I'm talking about 6 days in the fridge. Man, what an addiction that is - the fridge. Electricity in all forms, we rely on it a lot. If it ever goes down nationwide, oh man, within a week pure chaos would reign. Then guys like you, Bigwheel - I can tell - guys like you will reign like kings.

TJ - Mayor of Raw Town USA