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Gary Gary is offline
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Default 1940's Experiement

Julie Bove wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote:
> > I still say (and always will say) eat what you like in *moderation*. I
> > cringe when I see ads for places with endless buffets (Golden Corral or
> > Old Country Buffet comes to mind). Too many people seem to take the "all
> > you can eat" thing to heart. They load up several plates for one person.
> > Then go back for seconds. Sheesh.

> I don't get that at all. This is one reason why it puts me off to dine
> there. People are just pigs in there! We always get one salad plate and
> one dinner plate. The plates are small. Once in a while we will go back
> for something. It's usually because we just took a small taste of something
> to see if we like it. We then take a little more. Never a full plate when
> we go back and never dessert.

A buffet is a buffet and it's all you care to eat. That's my rare
nights out and I like to at least sample everything that looks
interesting. I always end up eating way too much and I rarely make it
to the nice looking dessert bars.

I have no food allegies or intollerences. I enjoy all food where ever
I eat. Maybe I'm just lucky. I eat any thing that I want to, just not
a lot of any one thing. Your food situation is inconceivable to me.

It sounds like you eat a lot of junk food too and just suppliment it
with vitamins/pills. Not a good way to go.
