1940's Experiement
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Ed Pawlowski
external usenet poster
Posts: 12,851
1940's Experiement
On 7/9/2014 5:58 PM,
> I doubt it started in the USA, it started way sooner in England! It
> was called 'Dig for Victory' - can't imagine why it would be in the
> USA anyway, never seemed to have the deprivation we did. At least
> judging by what my brother and I saw on the table at the house next
> door which had been requisitioned for US Army Officers.
That seems to be an odd comment. The entire world was in a state of
deprivation. Yes, England was probably worse than the US, but there was
a lot of upheaval all over. Crops were difficult to plant and harvest
when many of our farmers were in the Pacific or Europe fighting a war
and the people left were sending what supplies we had to them.
You cannot judge the condition of a country with 136 million (in 2943)
people based on one house of officers.
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Ed Pawlowski
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