Question: baked chicken breasts (skinless, boneless)
bigwheel wrote:
> Sure dont look forward to the day the commie liberals and muslims shut down the power grid. Its gong to be rough.
Let's leave politics out of it. How about just a major overload of energy that blows out the whole system? Yes, it would be rough. The survivalists would think they have it made. They have guns, they know how to hunt, live in the wild, all that stuff. But even they will not be ready for the massive influx of city folks fleeing the terror of roving big city gangs of thrill seeking (and hungry) young punks.
In short order the stores will all be looted. Everything gone. Then the animals in the wild will be hunted to extinction. Cannibalism will ensue.
What I'm trying to say, Bigwheel, is, you gotta be prepared. I have always been one to prepare. In my 20s I spent an hour each day wearing a blindfold and walking around as if I were blind, learning how to deal with in case I ever lose my sight.
I wore plugs in my ears for an hour each day to practice up for the day I might go deaf.
Same with cannibalism. I've been eating lots of raw bugs and other creatures to acclimate myself to a rough eating style when things go south. Preparation is key. Are you with me?
I will now pretend I have no internet, to prepare for the day when this one breaks down and I don't have the cash to buy another one. Rehearse for the future. Be ready. Like me.
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