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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default 1940's Experiement

> wrote in message
> On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 17:24:33 -0500, Ema Nymton >
> wrote:
>>Not sure where Dig for Victory or Victory Gardens began, but my great
>>grandparents, grandparents and parents, always had large gardens. Maybe
>>this is just a hobby that people enjoy. When my children were growing
>>up, we would go out to the ranch so they could see the garden and pick
>>tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, figs, plums, pears, or whatever was ripe.

> During the war everything was rationed and then beyond that it was a
> question of whether you could actually get your ration of anything. I
> remember a dearth of sugar that seemed to go on for years - probably
> actually weeks or months but it seemed forever to a child.
> My grandmother had a lovely garden anyway but many people had small
> gardens with just flowers and they were urged to plant veggies to help
> out. They also had what they called allotments which were city parks
> which were dug up and offered as places where people without gardens
> could do their veggie gardening. It was a sort of 'all hands to the
> pumps' effort.
> Farmers also had problems at harvest time and I know my aunts and
> mother went to help a farmer my grandmother had known for years, he
> needed it with all the men gone. They were not too keen but my
> grandmother used to go on about them 'doing their bit' -

All correct One of my aunts was a 'land girl' in the war, and she
remained friends with that farmer and used to go every weekend. When I was
young she used to take me with her and I loved it.
