Thread: Dinner 7/8/2014
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Dinner 7/8/2014

On 7/9/2014 10:45 PM, Julie Bove wrote:


> There is no way I would do that since most years, AC wouldn't be used at
> all.

Just wouldn't make sense
> to go to a whole lot of expense and effort to put in AC since most years
> it would never get used.

OK, that is a sensible economic argument if you don't need it most
years. If you ever change your mind, it can be done.
> We've been noticing how many vehicles have no AC. A lot of them.
> That's one thing I would never do again. My first car didn't have it.
> Some people think those that have it are nuts.

I think those that don't have it are nuts. The AC cools you, of course,
but it does more. When the windows get fogged, the AC compressor will
run when the defroster is on to help clear the windshield faster. It is
as much a safety item as it is a comfort item.

I've not owned a convertible for about 35 years and maybe 10 days a
years I'd like to have one. The rest of the time, windows are up to
minimize noise and the climate control is set at 68 in the winter 72 in
the summer.

AC is standard on most cars these days,e ven lower end compacts.