wanted: recipes for eggplant
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Rodney Myrvaagnes
Posts: n/a
wanted: recipes for eggplant
>On Sat, 7 Aug 2004 20:06:46 -0500,
(U C ME I C U)
>>I need any help on how to fix eggplant. It has to be cooked though.
I made this appetizer with small Japanese eggplants, and also with
little white ones. Both came out to our satisfaction.
Slice the eggplants from the end away from the stem, stopping before
the slice actually separates. Salt between the slices and let them
drip for a while in a strainer.
Meanwhile mash some peeled garlic and white anchovies in EVOO with a
mortar and pestle. If you can only get the dark really salty anchovies
you will have to make some adjustment.
Rinse the salt out of the eggplants and pat them dry with paper
towels. Zap the eggplants in the microwave until done. I did them
three minutes for two very small ones.
Spread the garlic mix between the slices and put them in little bowls.
Pour the rest of the oil etc. over them and let them marinate for an
hour or two.
Serve on plates spread out edgewise, like a fan joined at the stem
end. Sprinkle a chopped green herb on if you have one you would like
with this.
Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC J36 Gjo/a
"Religious wisdom is to wisdom as military music is to music."
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