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Melba's Jammin'
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Default I got the 1922 white adobe house on the NM prairie

In article <e9sRc.415$BS3.315@trndny04>, "Anna"
> wrote:

> With the pear tree and the peach tree and the apricot tree. I'll
> move out there in about a month or less.
> My gardens-to-be are in my dreams nightly. There will be herbs
> galore. And a salsa garden. And more.
> I hope to make a web site and when I do, I'll invite you all, if
> that's ok. Meanwhile, I'll just continue to quietly and vicariously
> enjoy your preserving adventures.
> I thank those who wished me well. Especially:

> Edrena in ElPaso (where I stayed for a few months a few years back.
> The hot wind there always unnerved me but the people there made up
> for it.) George (Not a huge number of boats in NM,) George, the has
> been maintained and is in reasonably good shape; my son-in-law the
> general building contractor went out to see it and said it's
> moveable-innable right now. jamlady Barb ( I'm sure, btw, that it was
> your crossed toes that put the deal over the top.)

This mean I can uncross them now? Walking's been kinda hurtful. Just
remember what I said about a house being a money pit.

Have fun playing in the dirt. There's a newsgroup about gardening -- I
think it's something like rec.gardens.edible.
-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.