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DreadfulBitch DreadfulBitch is offline
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Default Birth Control. Good Theology.

On 7/11/2014 9:32 AM, Cheri wrote:

> Me either, and 10 year olds shouldn't be sexting.

No, of course they shouldn't! But then I don't think a 10 year old
should have their own phone and should not have access to the internet
without parental approval/oversight.

I was always considered a 'goody two shoes' growing up, but I would
sneak one of my father's Playboy magazines (this was when the only thing
displayed was breasts) and thought I was being horribly naughty and it
was thrilling! (Dad underestimated the curious nature of kids and
didn't pick a very secure hiding place. :-)

I think what kids are doing today is just this generation's version of
stealing their dad's Playboy magazine. It's different, but so are the
times. 10 year olds should never have access to electronic stuff
without parental oversight.


I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.