Article - A Burger Chain You've Probably Never Heard Of Was JustNamed Best In America
On Friday, July 11, 2014 10:57:57 AM UTC-5, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/10/2014 11:20 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> >
> > I've never eaten at Five Guys and probably never will. I know that
> > their fries were voted the best, but people I know who tried them said
> > that they weren't good and the burgers were even worse.
> > If I want a bad burger, I'll go to McD's where at least the food is cheap.
But most of the folks that you associate with are unusually defective.
> That has not been my experience at all. I thought both fries and
> burgers were very good. Yes, it cost more than McD but you do get
> better quality. Why not splurge and find out for yourself. I often
> disagree with the opinions of others. I trust my opinion more than theirs.
Julie should stick with her own kind.
> Just like the4 thread here about watermelon. A few people said they
> like the seedless better, but I've yet to find one close to a good
> seeded long melon! They are entitled to their opinion no matter how
> much it differs from mine.
I have had decent seedless watermelons, but never a great one. A seedless
one would have to be very cheap for me to consider buying it. The area of
the melon near the seeds is always the best part.