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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Medical Marijuana Cookbook

On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:54:36 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>"Jeßus" wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>> >But this medical reason for legalizing it sounds like a phoney excuse
>> >to me.

>> Is this one of those posts where you're going to claim you were only
>> joking, or are you really a pig-headed ignorant arsehole?

>Not joking and it's only my personal opinion. Funny how many here get
>their feathers all ruffled if you say something they don't agree with.

It's not simply because I don't agree with you. Thanks for the insult.
What you said was disparaging and insulting to a lot of people out
there who cannot get *any* help from pharmaceuticals.

It's no joke, if you took the time to investigate the uses and
efficacy of medical cannabis, you would discover how it has completely
transformed and in some cases saved many people's lives, when
absolutely nothing else works. And without the issues of long term
problems when using pharmaceuticals.

Here is an example - I chose this example because you can *see* the
difference for yourself, rather than other uses such as for cancer or
pain management:
I think that's the one I was looking for - I can't view it due to lack
of bandwidth. Or look into how pure oil can literally eradicate
melanomas simply by applying it directly.

It's thinking like yours that perpetuates the myths and ignorance that
keeps many people in pain and misery.

>Again, I have nothing against it. If it were legal in my state, I
>would grow it just because I like the look of the plants.

I agree, they are very attractive plants.