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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default "$200 a month on groceries for a family of 4 is impossible"

wrote in

> Haven't looked at the comments yet, but the author already has
> and she listed which tips she's going to use.
> I have to admit, unless you live in the sticks and/or need to
> lose weight anyway, it WOULD be pretty difficult to feed 4
> people with $200 a month!
> Lenona.
> on_groceries_for_a_family_of_4_is_impossible
> "On average, we spend about $850 a month at the grocery store
> (includes non-food items like diapers, toiletries, and cleaning
> products...but honestly, most of that IS food).
> "We do not go to restaurants more than 1-2 times a month (and
> that's usually only a $30-$50 bill at a place like Stevie B's),
> we always eat our leftovers the following day, and we make 98%
> of our food from scratch (the best we can...we don't have an
> oven or a stove--just the microwave, a grill, and an electric
> skillet).
> "If I'm going to be a responsible budgeter...I need to get that
> number down to $200 a month. I've seen other posts and perused
> blogs that boast they made this happen, but I'm struggling to
> believe it. Unless you get food stamps and don't count those,
> or you spent $1200 the month before...I just don't think it's
> really possible to spend so little on food every month. So just
> tell me...if you're not a big fat you really spend
> $2400 or less on food a year?? And if so...HOW?! Do you skip
> meals? Go days at a time without eating? Mooch off others? Hang
> out at food pantries in your shabbiest clothes?"

Grin, most of us will never go that level but though prices have
changed, I did that in early 2000 levels.

Today, it's pretty close to 400$ for us 3 on average and that includes
toilet paper and such side items.

I use coupons and such and stock up when there is a sale. Having an
ancillary chest freezer is a major aspect of this. A vacumn sealer for
meats is also a critical aspect.

I probably save a clean 75$ a month just by using a bread machine and
roughly 6 minutes of my time in 3 minutes to load, 3 minutes later to
shape then bake. Because I am not spending 2.50-3.50 for a loaf of
bread (It costs 75cents for a standard white and the quality is
better), I can use that money for other things.
