Birth Control. Good Theology.
On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 09:44:04 +0100, "Ophelia"
> wrote:
>"Ema Nymton" > wrote in message
>> Sheldon, I find no argument here, men are visual and women, not so much.
>> People have phone sex and I am sure they have sex via Skype and Wii, I've
>> just never done it, that is just not for me. I am not tech savvy, I have
>> trouble trying to figure out my cell phone. Here lately, I can not get the
>> timer to work on my coffee pot.
>lol nice one Becca. I am with you on phone sex et al. Hell you can't
>cuddle a phone and it would be no substitute for my husband.
But you *can* set them to silent and make them vibrate.
Phones that is, not your hubby...
Just saying.