Medical Marijuana Cookbook
On Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:14:56 -0700 (PDT), Bryan-TGWWW
> wrote:
>On Friday, July 11, 2014 9:00:49 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>> Found it yesterday. I'm surprised it's already almost four years old -
>Pot tastes awful. The best way to ingest it orally is to crush it, then
>dampen it and heat it in a double boiler with some oil--you can saute it,
>but that's stinkier than using the double boiler--then stuff it into empty
>Same with psilocybes, except they don't require cooking. Pulverize them
>and put them in gelcaps.
>Why eat a shitty tasting brownie when you could swallow two capsules,
>chased with a sip of milk, then have the rest of the glass of milk with
>a good tasting brownie?
>> Lenona.
Only brownies I ever make was Hash Brownies, and it was yummy, and OMG
so powerful! Only marijuana (cannabis) high I ever had where I
actually had mild visual hallucinations!
John Kuthe...