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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Medical Marijuana Cookbook

Gary wrote:

> People that claim that it's for pain medication? I don't see that.

> But this medical reason for legalizing it sounds like a phoney excuse to me.

I smoke weed every day. I am 67. I have never believed the medicinal claims for the weed. It's just a way of opening the door to legal recreational use. It may be good for staving off or helping those with glaucoma. My belief is that all ingested foods or medicines have side effects, some so minor they are not noticed - others, such as antihistamines for allergy sufferers, strong enough to be noticed and marketed under labels like SleepEeze or Sominex.

So I won't argue the medicinal benefits of weed. I doubt that it does anything for pain. I don't care. But it is sickening when people on either side of an argument feel they need to list benefits to the product that may not exist, just to get the product legalized. I guess maybe they had to do that. If some person comes out and says I'm full of it, that they use weed to stave off brutal headaches or nausea and get good result with it, that ultimately means nothing even if it's true for just that one person.

See Gary, even when I'm on a particular side of the fence on an issue, no matter which side I'm on, I still hope to maintain some distance from the dispute so I can get a better view of teh bullshit coming from both sides. People who get into the "issues" are often people who love to argue, because it's a safe hobby. Safe for people with some education but no imagination who feel secure in arguments where they already know the responses they're going to get from the other side. If you step way from the fence and look down from above, you will side that both sides are full of crap and will resort to all manner of deceit in futile efforts to prove themselves correct..