"Leonard Blaisdell" > wrote in message
> In article >, Brooklyn1
> > wrote:
>> On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:34:55 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>> >I have ordered a swamp cooler. It was supposed to come today but now
>> >they
>> >say tomorrow.
So we'll see how it does.
>> A disease generator.
> In general, Nah. You just have to live in a summer "low" humidity part
> of the country. I do, and the cost of reducing my interior temperature
> is negligible electricity. I'm running a one and a half horsepower
> motor all day when the temp is above 100F and 14 hours per day at 90F.
> Our humidity during hot times is less than twenty percent except during
> our scarce rainfall. I'm aware of Legionnaires' disease. Bad practices
> gave a bad rap on "evaporative" coolers. They give a 15 to 20 degree
> reduction in temp with low humidity and are really cheap to use.
> I'll bet a bunch of people here may have never heard of or seen one.
> They're not sold in high humidity areas.
Exactly. And it is working like a dream here!