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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Caramelized Onions in Crockpot

"janet" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>> What I don't understand is why people here do not understand that I do
>> not
>> *want* air conditioning.

> They offered you other solutions, all of which you rubbished for one
> crazed
> reason after another.

Yes. They offered me solutions. Did I ask for any? No!

The way I see it... It's summer. Summer is supposed to be hot. It isn't
always hot here. In fact it rarely is. But that doesn't mean that I have
to find some sort of remedy for it. The climate is doing what it is
supposed to be doing.

So I didn't sleep well. I don't sleep well with AC either. I didn't sleep
well for one night. And how many nights ago was this? And yet people are
still going on about it. People who don't live here.

People who live here and have been here for a very long time or are from
here, do the same that I do. They might complain of heat when we have it.
Mainly because we're just not used to it. As I said, I had the heat on last
summer. I was wearing flannel to bed and thermal shirts during the day. It
was that cold for most of the summer.

Maybe the rest of the country doesn't do what we do here. And maybe you
don't there. But we do these things here. We've done them for years and
we'll continue to do them.

So we go out to the movies or out to eat or do some shopping that we
wouldn't normally do. Maybe we go to a museum. Maybe we really just want
an excuse to do these things! I don't normally and/or willingly go to the
movies. I did go for a few years because Angela and my parents wanted to
go. But it is still nice once in a while to take a break from the routine
and do something different. Heat like this rather forces us to do so.

I know it is common in some places for people to go to the beach when it is
hot. We could do that here. But our beaches are really pretty cold even in
hot weather. And I'm just not a beach person.

Some people go on vacation in the summer. Somewhere else. I don't do that.
I don't want to do that. Probably not ever again. I've had enough
vacations. And just like fireworks, I'd just as soon see some videos or
shows or read about other places. I don't need to go there.

> The only mystery here is why anybody ever believes a word you post from
> that
> tiny/huge hot/cool windowless hovel where crime security is such an issue
> even a
> raccoon can break in.

The only thing huge about this house is my bathroom. I have posted links
about the climate in this area and how people here feel about AC.

And it would seem that the conclusion is... People from elsewhere feel the
need to have
AC. Apparently some people feel the need to have a consistent temperature
indoors all the time. I'm not one of them and really that seems like an odd
notion to me. We have four seasons here. Not as drastic as seasons in
other places. Like Pennsylvania. But still all four are in some way
different from each other. That's just the way it is.

I don't think a single person here who has commented on this, lives here at
all. Is there anyone else here but tert in Seattle? Where is he when we
need him. Oh! I shall ping him . K?