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pltrgyst[_4_] pltrgyst[_4_] is offline
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Default Article - A Burger Chain You've Probably Never Heard Of Was JustNamed Best In America

On 7/11/2014 11:57 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> That has not been my experience at all. I thought both fries and
> burgers were very good. Yes, it cost more than McD but you do get
> better quality. Why not splurge and find out for yourself.

Until last year, I lived about a half-mile from the original Five Guys
(with three others nearby), and I've been campaigning against the hype
for many years.

Their burgers are quarter-pound only, and cooked only well-done. To me,
that disqualifies them from edibility right there. They are also put on
the buns while still dripping tons of oil.

Their fries are very good -- until they are put in the bag, where within
thirty seconds they steam into soggy, greasy crappiness. And they bag
every order, whether you're eating it there or taking it out.

IMO, Burger King's overdone but charred burgers come closest to
edibility for fast-food burgers, but none of them are even remotely in a
league with the excellent burgers from Fuddrucker's, similar outlets
that cook to order, and good bar burgers.

(And yeah, I've had In-n-Out. They're garbage, distinguished only by the
range of "secret" toppings.)

-- Larry