Thread: OT Fireworks
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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default OT Fireworks

> wrote in message
> On Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:20:11 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
> wrote in message
. ..
>>> On Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:17:49 +0100, "Ophelia"
>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>We have free wifi in supermarkets, shopping malls, roadside service
>>>>>>stations, city squares etc here. I wouldn't trust any of them and if
>>>>>>need our computers when we are out/away we use our plug in broadband
>>>>> I have a 3Connect dongle I use when in the UK, it's great.
>>>>Yes We have those too Do you use 'pay as you go'? We have ours
>>> Yes, originally I think the dongle was £20 then the next time I was
>>> over it was just the £10 for one month. I can't remember what I paid
>>> last time, whatever it is, it is worth it to me. Most people near my
>>> uncle and aunts now have secured their routers, so I can't use someone
>>> elses signal, it's a nuisance to go to the library, nearest hot spot,
>>> so this suits me fine.
>>> It is post code sensitive so I can't use it when I visit my friend in
>>> Glos but she is wired and I can put her code in and use hers.

>>I can use mine anywhere with no post code restriction but I suppose that
>>with the contract.

> Probably since they knew I would only use it once in a while when in
> the UK mine varies. I certainly didn't have a contract and have never
> managed to use up my allocation in the time I have spent there. It's
> been worth their while, the dongle would not really cost them £20 so
> it's win/win for them and me. He told me it would only work with my
> aunts postal code.

So long as it works for you Can you put in your Aunt's post code when you
are somewhere else? I can do that with other stuff on the net.

err not your Aunt's code you understand)
