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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Preparing for a housewarming party tomorrow

On Sat, 12 Jul 2014 16:46:57 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2014-07-12 2:46 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Having a child out of wedlock is bad enough, buying a house jointly
>> without the benefit of marriage is insanity... don't spend too much on
>> the housewarming gift... odds are their relationship won't last a
>> year, nothing is more stressful for a young couple than owning a
>> house.

>Too true. A friend of my son was married to a really nice girl who had
>a good job and wealthy parents. I don't know what possessed him to leave
>her and take up with the wench he did. My son and his other friends all
>hate the woman, who happens to have a 15 year old daughter from a
>previous relationship... not marriage. They have a child together, but
>he has been trying to get rid of her for years. He even served papers on
>her to get here out of his house. She has no job, no prospects and if
>she ends up on welfare his son will live in some depressed area. Bad
>bad situation.

Celebrating a shack up is as sick as sick gets... l don't understand
how someone would be so proud and unashamed of such dreck to start a
thread about losers... no couth/no brains.