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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Preparing for a housewarming party tomorrow

On 7/12/2014 7:57 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Cheryl" > wrote in message


>> Oh, and I cut the corn on the cob into ~2" pieces so there is enough
>> to go around, and is easier to handle.

> Hmmm will it be *only* for family? ;-)

It turned out to be all family. We met my niece's boyfriend's parents,
and the rest were all family we knew. The party went on way later than
I was able to stick around. It was so hot out and the flies were a
nuisance. It was a lot of fun and most everything was cooked on the
grill except for a few sides and the desserts. I didn't have room for
dessert but some of them were interesting, including a Twinkie cake. lol
