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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default Where's the 7/13/2014 dinner thread?

On Sun, 13 Jul 2014 21:12:49 -0400, Cheryl >

>Should I start one? I'm happy with my dinner tonight because it was a
>rare treat to me these days. I found some spaghetti sauce in the
>freezer needing to be used, and some Italian sausage, and I had a half a
>package of angel hair pasta in the pantry. And, plenty of salad fixin's.
>Yup, took some pictures so I can remember this treat. lol
>On the cooktop
>Plated (I plated way too much because my mouth was watering just from
>the aromas in my kitchen)
>To add a picture after the fact to the cheese grating thread, here's my
>microplane and a small block of Parmesan. I always keep my Parmesan in
>a foodsaver bag between uses to keep it fresh.
>Cheese and microplane

That's too hot for here. I'm glad it worked for you. I used to have
those dishes a long time ago.
Janet US