Thread: OT Fireworks
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default OT Fireworks

On Sun, 13 Jul 2014 22:17:42 -0400, "Gus" >

> It is July 13th-- why is some asshole firing off fireworks tonight? And
> my gf says some jerk is firing off firecrackers by her place. Her dog
> is hiding under her bed... What is wrong with humanity?

They'll keep doing it until they deplete their fireworks stash.
Fireworks are hard to get here and expensive, so there were very few
home shows this year on the 4th. Interestingly, a few days later -
someone set quite of few of the big ones that boom rather than pop
just a few doors down, probably in the intersection. First time I've
ever heard them so close. When I hear them in the distance, they
sound like guns the size of cannons. Up close, they are just plain

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.