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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Preparing for a housewarming party tomorrow

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 7/13/2014 1:21 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Cheryl wrote:
>>>> My niece and her boyfriend just bought a house together and are
>>>> expecting a baby, so this housewarming will be lots of fun checking out
>>>> their new home.
>>> Having a child out of wedlock is bad enough, buying a house jointly
>>> without the benefit of marriage is insanity... don't spend too much on
>>> the housewarming gift... odds are their relationship won't last a
>>> year, nothing is more stressful for a young couple than owning a
>>> house. I would suggest first a wedding gift, then wait until after
>>> the baby is born to buy a house... with a newborn there is no way to
>>> predict what expenses one may incur. And they're not sure they even
>>> like each other. I feel sorry for the baby, there are already way too
>>> many baby-daddys. This is not an event to celebrate, family and
>>> friends should be in mourning.

>> Oh for Pete's sake! Not everyone wants to get married.

> Happily married for 48+ years, I'd not change a thing. For us.
> OTOH, if I was starting over I'm not as sure. I definitely would not buy
> property jointly with anyone I'm not married to though. Nor would I
> re-marry and risk losing what I have after a short time and a split.
> Pre-nup for sure.

Wise! I could never marry again. I could never replace what I have now.
