Preparing for a housewarming party tomorrow
On 7/14/2014 12:03 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:06:59 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> OTOH, if I was starting over I'm not as sure. I definitely would not
>> buy property jointly with anyone I'm not married to though.
> Agree.
>> Nor would I re-marry and risk losing what I have after a short time and a split.
> That's a tricky one, but there are ways to avoid that.
>> Pre-nup for sure.
> Probably the best idea if you're trying to protect your assets for
> heirs by a previous marriage.
Heirs or not... a pre-nup means the new spouse can't demand half of
everything after only a few months. If I ever got married again I would
insist on a pre-nup.
Being married isn't a guarantee, either. My ex-husband and I bought a
washer & dryer, a dinette set, some other furniture. When we split he
sold all of it, then moved so the creditors couldn't find him. They
came after me. Fortunately I had a clearly defined and signed legal
property settlement showing I did not possess those items. The
creditors backed off. I have no idea if they ever found him.