On 7/14/2014 3:15 PM, graham wrote:
> When it comes to lamb, there always seems to be more than a little
> nationalism when opinions as to the best are discussed. When I lived
> with my parents, we always had English lamb. Every year, the local
> butcher would let us have a quarter of the first spring lamb and the
> experience sticks in my memory. However, lots of Brits will swear by
> Welsh lamb and the French are equally parochial with either Provençal or
> Pré-salé. When I lived in Australia, we would buy a side of lamb from
> time to time and I thought it excellent. If the flavour was stronger
> than English, I didn't notice it as I like the taste. In fact, Prince
> Chuck prefers the flavour of hogget (a sheep of 1-2 years of age).
I really like the taste of Caithness lamb!