OT Fireworks
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OT Fireworks
In article >,
> On 2014-07-14 4:52 PM, janet wrote:
> > In article >,
> >>> She wrote them down in the order they ran out, or occurred to her.
> >>
> >> Considering she had written the list within minutes before handing it to
> >> me I would suggest that is not the case at all. She wrote them down as
> >> she thought about them.
> >
> > which is what is meant by "in the order... they occurred to her"
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Any married man should be able to take a random list, draw up a simple spread
> >>> sheet and print it out, colour coded onto a map of any local supermarket layout.
> >>>
> >>> Or is that too much trouble? :-)
> >>>
> >> Yes. It is too much trouble. It is a shopping list, not a detailed set
> >> of procedures for a scientific experiment.
> >
> > Oh, I thought you needed more instructions because you were having trouble.
> >
> All I ask is that if I am handed a shopping list there should be a
> couple seconds thought behind it so that items are lumped together into
> the aisles or departments in which they will be found. That would be
> much easier than following a list that will have be going back and forth
> across the store.
It would never occur to me to go back and forth across the store to follow a
shopping list in the order it was written. Just take listed items from the shelf as
you walk your usual route. It only takes a couple of seconds thought.
Janet UK
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