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Travis McGee Travis McGee is offline
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Default Vintage VW cheese buses stolen in Sacramento; reward offered

Vintage VW cheese buses stolen in Sacramento; reward offered
Search Continues For Tillamook Cheese's Missing Mini Buses
The truck, trailer and buses went missing over the weekend. The truck
and trailer were found burned in Jamestown. The buses are still missing.
By Veronica Rocha

Three iconic VW cheese-sampling buses stolen in Sacramento remained
missing Monday, and the Tillamook dairy company is offering a $10,000
reward for their recovery.

A Tillamook truck and trailer hauling the three buses were stolen early
Saturday from the Hampton Inn in Manteca, according to Manteca police

The next day, the truck and trailer were later discovered severely
burned in Jamestown, but the three mini-buses were still missing.

Tillamook's Loaf Love Tour team was visiting Sacramento to promote its
cheese, according to a company statement.

The mini-VW buses are hard to miss. They're painted orange, with words
"Tillamook," "Baby Loaf" and "Medium cheddar cheese" on their sides.

Anyone with details is urged to call the Manteca Police Department at
(209) 456-8101.