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Gary Gary is offline
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Default "$200 a month on groceries for a family of 4 is impossible"

jmcquown wrote:
> I seriously doubt a family of four could survive spending only
> $200/month for groceries and sundries unless all they were eating was
> pre-packaged junk such as like hamburger helper.

Hamburger Helper is not really junk. It's mostly ground beast that
you use anyway, and some noodles that you would use too. Your only
"junk" argument is with the spice mix and you would make a spice mix
too. What's the problem?

They have some decent varieties and it's no cop out to use them. Many
people buy them too. It's a quick fix when you are pressed for time.
Taste-wise....probably better than what half the people here make
themselves from scratch. Seriously.
