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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT Natural Allergy Relief

On 2014-07-15 1:48 PM, James Silverton wrote:

>> Any excess vitamin C will be voided by your excretory system so all
>> you do is make the Vitamin C vendors more money. My advice...stay away
>> from those QUACK sites.

> May I point out that opium is a very natural product that could cause
> you to stop noticing allergies for a while.

My crazy health food Nazi SiL claims that mega doses of vitamin C can
cure allergies.

She is under the impression that all natural products are automatically
good for you. Years ago she was pushing Celestial Seasonings teas. I
dared to suggest that you don't know what is in those herbal teas and
they might actually be toxins. She rejected that possibility, but a
just a few weeks later there was a news story about a woman who was
hospitalized after ODing on atropine. Seems that the compound was in one
of the mysterious herbs and flowers in the tea. Thinking that it is all
organize and therefore good for you, she was drinking 20-30 cups a day.

There are a lot of natural and organic compounds that are deadly.