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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default "$200 a month on groceries for a family of 4 is impossible"

Gary wrote:
>Hamburger Helper is not really junk. It's mostly ground beast that
>you use anyway, and some noodles that you would use too. Your only
>"junk" argument is with the spice mix and you would make a spice mix
>too. What's the problem?
>They have some decent varieties and it's no cop out to use them. Many
>people buy them too. It's a quick fix when you are pressed for time.
>Taste-wise....probably better than what half the people here make
>themselves from scratch. Seriously.

Hamburger helper and the like are very expensive when you factor in
how little you get aqt that inflated price... you pay for that small
can and all the profits made by all the middlemen... it's far less
expensive to prepare a big batch from scratch and freeze portions. And
what one prepares themself will probably be a far better product, at
least they'll know what/who is in it. Hamburger Helper and other
products of that ilk are much more a convenience, good to have a
couple cans for when one doesn't feel like cooking and/or hasn't the
time. Hamburger Helper is not a junk product, it's just not a good
product, it's passable, barely.... good for feeding youngsters because
most times they won't clean their plate and you'll be scraping half in
the trash, or out into the yard for critters like I do with the
grands, so why bother feeding them food you slaved over. My grands
don't even want Kraft Mac n' Cheese from the box, they won't eat it,
they want Kraft Mac n' Cheese in the microwaveable cup, just add water
and nuke... it's disgusting but they love it... I love how it saves my
efforts... and no pot to clean.