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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default 67 giant African snails, meant for human consumption, seized at LAX

"dsi1" > wrote in message
> On 7/15/2014 9:32 AM, sf wrote:
>> If you believe in the bible as it was written, don't you wish Noah had
>> swatted those two mosquitoes?

> God works in mysterious ways and even though it might not be evident, they
> must fit into his plan. I've been trying to figure out what purpose they
> serve and the only think I can think of is that they provide food for
> bats. That can't be it, can it?
> OTOH, they are the most dangerous animal in the world, and some folks
> believe that malaria has killed half the number of humans that have ever
> lived. If that's the case, then mosquitoes exist because God likes to kill
> people. That's the breaks.

