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Default Dinner 7-15-2014 was Where's the 7/13/2014 dinner thread?

On Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:47:03 -0700 (PDT), Nellie
> wrote:

> I had a bowl of clam chowder and a chicken salad sandwich on sourdough and my DD had a pizza at Boudin of sourdough fame, in San Francisco
> We are doing a half-marathon later on this year so we started training for it. We walked 10 miles, yep, we sure did, very proud of us. Her Fit Bit told us that we climbed the equivalent of the stairs of a 63 story building, lots of hills you know.
> We ate with tons of locals and tourists at Fishermen's Wharf. Neither of us is afraid of crowds, we love tourists because they are folks that are out enjoying the world and often we are them, and we had a great time. After that we walked back to take the BART train home.
> It was a beautiful, crystal-clear, 70 degree day. It took us about 5 hours; however, we stopped for dinner (1 hr), to take pictures, (1/2 hr total), and to pick some four-leaf clovers, (maybe 20 min.).
> Sometime during the day, my DH texted us a photo of our outdoor thermometer at home, it was 100.4 and he asked us how we were enjoying our day, lol. We texted back a screen shot of the 70 degrees.
> A fabulous day, a day I think my DD will remember long after I am gone. Please forgive my maudlinness (?)
> Nellie

Sounds like a wonderful what I like to call a Mother/Daughter bonding

7-15-14 - trying to clear out the refrigerator a bit and succeeding...
tonight's meal will be chicken tortilla soup. It's a work in progress
at the moment.

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.