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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default "$200 a month on groceries for a family of 4 is impossible"

On 7/15/2014 7:14 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/14/2014 11:57 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/14/2014 1:19 PM, rosie wrote:
>>>>> Have been looking at this and am amazed that most of you seem to know
>>>>> what you all spend on food! There are just the two of us, retired, we
>>>>> put things we need on a list, then everyonce in awhile , one of us
>>>>> will go to HEB , buy the things on the list and what ever else looks
>>>>> good. I do not spend a fortune, but I buy pretty much what I want.

>> (snippety)
>>>> I have a rough idea of what I spend. I don't stick strictly to the
>>>> list but then, the list is only for the must-have items. Anything
>>>> else is just gravy.
>>>> I seriously doubt a family of four could survive spending only
>>>> $200/month for groceries and sundries unless all they were eating was
>>>> pre-packaged junk such as like hamburger helper.
>>> They probably aren't factoring sundries in there. But if they are
>>> vegetarians and have a garden year round it is very doable. Especially
>>> if they buy things like rice at Costco.

>> You can't assume they are vegetarians or have a garden... or that they
>> even have a Costco. There's no Costco anywhere near me. Even when I
>> lived just outside of Memphis, Costco was a new thing there. (I kept
>> reading everyone here talking about Costco and had to ask what the
>> heck they were talking about.)

> But there are other warehouse stores. Or other places like Winco where
> you can get a 20 pound bag of rice for cheap.

And again, you cannot assume they are everywhere. I could shop at Sams
Club IF I wanted to drive 60 miles to the outskirts of Savannah. That's
not happening. I have no idea where Winco is but you can bet there
wasn't one in the Memphis area nor anywhere around where I live now.

>> This is what is being discussed:
>> ossible
>> The first line of the post in that Mommy forum says:
>> "On average, we spend about $850 a month at the grocery store
>> (includes non-food items like diapers, toiletries, and cleaning
>> products...but honestly, most of that IS food)."

> Okay...
>> So they *are* factoring in non-food items/sundries. They want to get
>> it down to $200 a month. I simply don't think it's feasible in this
>> day and age. Neither do many of the people who replied on that forum.
>> Those who said they *could* do it didn't really say how.

> Well she is.

No, she isn't. She said they spend $850/month and *want* to cut it down
to $200. Did you even bother to read it?
(snipped a bunch of crap)

I use coupons, sure. I contact the pet food company and they send me
coupons for Persia's r/x food. (Occasionally her vet has coupons, too,
and they check to see if they have a better deal than the one I have.)
I frequently find cat litter coupons; I can't remember the last time I
paid full price for it.

The problem with the majority of *people* food coupons is they are for
processed/boxed junk. IOW stuff I don't waste my money on anyway so
buying it wouldn't save me anything.
