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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default "$200 a month on groceries for a family of 4 is impossible"

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/15/2014 9:04 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 7/15/2014 7:14 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On 7/14/2014 11:57 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On 7/14/2014 1:19 PM, rosie wrote:
>>>>>>>> Have been looking at this and am amazed that most of you seem to
>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>> what you all spend on food! There are just the two of us,
>>>>>>>> retired, we
>>>>>>>> put things we need on a list, then everyonce in awhile , one of us
>>>>>>>> will go to HEB , buy the things on the list and what ever else
>>>>>>>> looks
>>>>>>>> good. I do not spend a fortune, but I buy pretty much what I want.
>>>>> (snippety)
>>>>>>> I have a rough idea of what I spend. I don't stick strictly to the
>>>>>>> list but then, the list is only for the must-have items. Anything
>>>>>>> else is just gravy.
>>>>>>> I seriously doubt a family of four could survive spending only
>>>>>>> $200/month for groceries and sundries unless all they were eating
>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>> pre-packaged junk such as like hamburger helper.
>>>>>> They probably aren't factoring sundries in there. But if they are
>>>>>> vegetarians and have a garden year round it is very doable.
>>>>>> Especially
>>>>>> if they buy things like rice at Costco.
>>>>> You can't assume they are vegetarians or have a garden... or that they
>>>>> even have a Costco. There's no Costco anywhere near me. Even when I
>>>>> lived just outside of Memphis, Costco was a new thing there. (I kept
>>>>> reading everyone here talking about Costco and had to ask what the
>>>>> heck they were talking about.)
>>>> But there are other warehouse stores. Or other places like Winco where
>>>> you can get a 20 pound bag of rice for cheap.
>>> And again, you cannot assume they are everywhere. I could shop at
>>> Sams Club IF I wanted to drive 60 miles to the outskirts of Savannah.
>>> That's not happening. I have no idea where Winco is but you can bet
>>> there wasn't one in the Memphis area nor anywhere around where I live
>>> now.
>>>>> This is what is being discussed:
>>>>> ossible
>>>>> The first line of the post in that Mommy forum says:
>>>>> "On average, we spend about $850 a month at the grocery store
>>>>> (includes non-food items like diapers, toiletries, and cleaning
>>>>> products...but honestly, most of that IS food)."
>>>> Okay...
>>>>> So they *are* factoring in non-food items/sundries. They want to get
>>>>> it down to $200 a month. I simply don't think it's feasible in this
>>>>> day and age. Neither do many of the people who replied on that forum.
>>>>> Those who said they *could* do it didn't really say how.
>>>> Well she is.
>>> No, she isn't. She said they spend $850/month and *want* to cut it
>>> down to $200. Did you even bother to read it?
>>> (snipped a bunch of crap)

>> I read what she said but had assumed that she was basing this on the
>> woman who is selling her Ebook on how to feed a family of four including
>> sundries and pet food (excluding horse).
>>> I use coupons, sure. I contact the pet food company and they send me
>>> coupons for Persia's r/x food. (Occasionally her vet has coupons,
>>> too, and they check to see if they have a better deal than the one I
>>> have.) I frequently find cat litter coupons; I can't remember the last
>>> time I paid full price for it.
>>> The problem with the majority of *people* food coupons is they are for
>>> processed/boxed junk. IOW stuff I don't waste my money on anyway so
>>> buying it wouldn't save me anything.

>> And you didn't read what I wrote.

> I tried to read what you wrote. I got completely bored right about the
> time you started talking about Tic Tacs.
>> In order to do this, you do need to
>> get tons of crap that you won't eat or use. The idea is to create
>> overage to get the stuff that you do want.

> That makes absolutely no sense. They're not getting paid; they're buying
> and reselling. Probably illegal; definitely a huge waste of time and
> effort.

You didn't read what I wrote. There is such a thing as overage. Let's say
that you have a 50 cent off coupon and your store doubles to $1.00. But the
item you are buying sells for 70 cents. You get an overage of 30 cents. So
your store is paying you 30 cents to take the item.

Keep in mind that not all stores give overage. In fact most don't. Walmart
does. In the form of a Walmart gift card.

But these people never buy one item. They buy hundreds of the same item.
So if you make 30 cents, 100 times, you've made $30.