hello ravioli guy:
you are not alone!!!!......i agree with your comparison of the progresso brand against chef boyardee!!!!.........but alas it is now only a memory........the responder below is right........it is no longer being made........but i do know that progresso had their ravioli (both cheese and beef) made by a manufacturer in NJ and that company was also putting out this product under 'other grocery names'......there use to be this grocery chain in the mid-atlantic area that carried both brands and you could get the store brand cheaper than the progresso but it was the same ravioli!!!????.........should have stocked up on it way-back-then-if-i-knew-what-the-crystal ball-was-predicting......oh well.....
Originally Posted by Lis
Progresso Soups was aquired by Betty Crocker. At the following URL you can
see the complete list of products by clicking on the various"see our
products" hot links on the page under "soups" and "foods". Ravioli isn't one
of them:
Guess you're out of luck.
"Ravioli Guy" wrote in message
A while back I used to enjoy Progresso's canned ravioli. It was,
frankly, vastly superior to Chef Boyardee's offering, which is the
only one that I can stand out of other canned pastas (most sauces are
far, far too sweet for my taste).
Unfortunately, at some point about ten years ago, they decided to stop
carrying it in Northern California, and thus far my searches on the
Internet for any place still selling or stocking it have been utterly
fruitless. In fact, I can't even find anything to verify that it ever
existed in the first place despite considerable effort. Thus, I turn
to you: Are they still selling it at all? Is there any place I can
get it on the Internet, or order it online? Has anyone else even
heard of it, or am I suffering from a head injury and not recalling
the details?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Cross-posted to misc.survivalism as they seem to discuss canned food
quite a bit, as well as rec.food.historic in case this wonderful item
has indeed been sent to the dust bin of history.