Thread: wheezing
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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default wheezing

Gus Overton wrote:

> We are all car mechanics... trying to figure out where that noise is coming from on the passenger side -- while driving down the highway of Life.

Gus, If I am the passenger, I believe we both know where the sound is coming from - and we don't need ears to be aware of it. The nose is good enough.. That's the beauty of the human fart - a rare human phenomena that expresses itself in more ways than one - a true work of art.

The only difference between your scenario and the real one is that in the real scenario YOU will be the passenger and I will be the driver.

You will be bolted tight to the seat with all 4 windows rolled up as my farts along with those from 4 back seat accomplices are blasted into the vehicle creating a greenhouse effect that will prove once and for all - if you are willing to learn - that global warming is all too real. The temperature gauge in the vehicle will prove it, by checking the readings both pre and post farting, then comparing. We are scientists, and if we must resort to force to get our point across and teach our lessons of truth, than by God, so be it.